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A|h|m|e|d || M|o|h|i|y

I'm a Business Analyst, Product Hacker and a Polyglot Programmer, lastly.. a passionate Thinker whose passion goes towards creating unique and special products.
I love creating ultimate solutions for people and companies.

World Environment Day 2021

We all should observe and celebrate this day; By showing our commitment, discipline and observance towards saving our environment. This shall be part of our daily lives, not just only on one particular day.(June 2021)

International Healthtech 2021

We suggested an idea for identifying the disease inside human the body through a pill contains nano-bots using nano-technology and it reads and returns the data to a system.(June 2021)

UK Fintech 2021

I suggested an idea for identifying the unidentified people in countries without formal ID through biometrics plus some verification methods and our team agreed.(April 2021)

UI/UX Certificate (2021)

UI/UX / user experience certificate from ataa tikany University of King abdelaziz using Figma and colorhunt. (2021)

Bachlor's Degree in B.I.T

Bachlor's Degree in Major Business Information Technology, University of Cincinnati (2018)

2nd place in CPC (2017)

2nd place in 1st Computer Programming Competition in FUE Dec 2017 while i was a 1 member team vs teams each has (3 members). (2017)

FUE Website, IT Team

An appreciation for my help making the Website Secured and better, as the FUE website was containing some bugs/vulnerabilities which needed a series fix. (2017~2018)

Cyber Talents, Operational manager

A "Thank you" from the operational manager of CyberTalents after the video I posted on a vulnerability that could leads to a database breach just by a simple Buffer over flow while no error handling. (2018)

One Million Arab Coders

In the Full Stack Web Developer track on (udacity) that ended on May 2018 ,got a special thank for my efforts unfortunately I wasn’t from the Top 100 students but, I was just from the best 1000 students.Although i have learnt Git at first from there. (2018)

Experience +++

Work, Programming and Other Experiences

Upwork Freelance

Business Analyst and Software Engineer (Since 2021) [Work]

Analyze systems, set plans, create blueprints and diagrams. Middle man between Client's need and programmers; explain and make them understand.


Software Developer{reelancer}(Since 2018) [Work]

Making projects / programs / reverse engineering (software modifying) , teaching programming .. and much more as long in technology field and i have knowledge in it.

We Egypt

We Egypt (Feb. 2020 ~ June 2020) [Work]

Worked as a "Technical Support Specialist" 2nd level; checking tickets and fixing issues for customers.

Acquire co.

Aquire Co. (Jul. 2017 ~ Aug. 2017) [Work]

Worked as a "Telesales representative"; making offers on phone.


Python [Programming]

This is the programming i ever worked with to do everything and for every device; starting from Automation projects and data visualization to Data analysis , Mahcine Learning and Desicion making systems. Easy to use but powerful.

Python Flask

Python FLASK Framework [Programming]

This is the best framework i ever worked with to do web development projects, which makes it easy to add the web app to a core element you already made with python so it makes you able to connect beyond the back-end and front-end development. [Programming] or the active server pages is a good way to create a back-end and connect it to a program that is made in any of C#, c++, F#, or any microsoft programming lang. which is good programming lang.

Node JS

Node.js [Programming]

Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications. No matter what the device OS is. which makes it easier since its a Network based app. and not performing a direct I/O to the OS. used it for testing and learning also modified some apps with it using cordova, ionic and react native.


C++ [Programming]

C++ for me was used to control the computer and its subprocesses.Programs that i always make with C++ are mostly in console. to write or to do something to shorten the time for a job to get it automated.


C# [Programming]

C Sharp for me was used to make the best desktop .exe programs with GUI.
Yet i have used it doing automation work while hiding the GUI in the background.

Oracle Database

Orcale Database [Programming]

Oracle Autonomous Database is an all-in-one cloud database solution for data marts, data lakes, operational reporting, and batch data processing.

Postgres SQL

Postgres SQL [Programming]

Postgres is almost The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database. i have used it while doing projects both with python and with php.


SQLite 3 [Programming]

SQLite3 is my favorite database due to several reasons that leads to flexibility and way much easier and better in development phase.


MySQL/SQL [Programming]

The most common or we can say the basic and the base of DataBase, and it was the most known 2 decades ago.Used for a wide range of purposes, including data warehousing, e-commerce, and logging applications.

UMLet for Diagrams

UMLet Diagrams Maker [Analysis]

Draw UML diagrams fast, build sequence and activity diagrams from plain text, export diagrams to eps, pdf, jpg, svg, and clipboard, share diagrams using Eclipse, and create new, custom UML elements. UMLet runs stand-alone and so small and portable.

PlantUML for Diagrams

PlantUML [Analysis]

PlantText is a text-based tool for quickly creating clear UML diagrams that can be compared, versioned, and managed. Simply type PlantUML language into the editor and refresh the screen to produce a professional diagram.


GIMP [Other]

GNU IMAGE MANIPULATION PROGRAM, instead of using photo-shop which can not be used on Linux unless you use Wine and some functions may not work properly this program is the best [photo editor] ever.

Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora [Other]

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save time and effort so, its my favorite video editing program since its fast and easy and has nice looking GUI plus its small in size than Adobe premiere.

Featured work